When God sees me, he sees Jesus  I am Imago Dei, I reveal God to my world When people see me, they see the example of Jesus I’m the light of the world, not the light of the church!  Think global impact! If I were the only one on earth, Jesus would have died for me. The hairs on my head are numbered! Read a chapter in the Bible today I have a sit at His table I am royalty! Fear God ♥ Let people see me and see Jesus. Release your prayer language for 60 secs! Smile :) Share your faith today!  The word of God is a continuous revelation The more I open it, the more I see a new dimension When you're called, you're furnished! Expand! Don't hold back It takes grace and discipline to be prayerful Grace from God, discipline from me  I am a manifestation of the word of God If I hug/shake/speak to anyone, I release the word of God My Credentials: Mat. 28:18 & Luke 10:19 When men look at me, they can see a scripture I’m a living epistle! I will at ALL TIMES manifest God to people I have victory over death Leviticus 6:12 I am the physical reflection of the attributes of God

Faith + The Anointing – Finding the balance of both streams

Video Theme = Ambience – Manifesting the Presence of God

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Personal Notes

  • There are two streams by which God does whatever he would do in and through the life of a man.
    • 1. Stream of faith
    • 2. Stream of the anointing
  • There are people who camp around either stream.
  • If you want to see God move in your life more consistently, learn the symbiotic relationship of both streams.
  • Sometimes you feel the glory all over you, other times you’re going to have to walk by faith as you won’t sense anything. So if you always wait for the stream of the anointing there’s a huge possibility that you’d miss God many times.
  • Illustration (on the stream of faith) – Paul going to Troas
    • 2 Corinthians 2:12: Furthermore, when I came to Troas to preach Christ’s gospel, and a door was opened to me by the Lord,…
    • Paul didn’t know/feel it ahead of time – he obeyed the word of God that said to preach the gospel to every nation.
    • Sometimes, on the authority of the word of God, you take a step of faith and you find God waiting for you.
  • The Stream of Faith – How it works, you must:
    • 1. Know the Word of God
    • 2. Believe the Word of God
    • 3. Practice the Word of God
    • Other notes:
      • You must understand the integrity of the word of God (Psalm 119:160, Isaiah 55:11).
      • Revelation 19:11-13
      • So flowing with the stream of faith, understand that when you read the word of God integrity backs it up.
      • Whatever God can do, His word can do.
      • Psalm 107:20 – God’s word can go!
      • Psalm 119:130
      • Know how to direct the faith of God’s word to something specific. Know what God has said specifically about the area that you’d like the word to deal with. For example, if you are trusting God to improve your health, what has He said about your health? Remember that in faith, you must know, believe, and practice what you have learned.
      • In faith, you must side with the word of God even when the evidence looks contrary.
  • The Stream of Anointing
    • The anointing is God manifesting Himself in a place or person.
    • God is everywhere, but His manifest presence is not everywhere.
    • So when God manifests himself in a place or for a people, that’s the anointing (So, Psalm 139: 7-10 talks shows an illustration of God everywhere. While the “pillar of cloud & fire” and Exodus 40:34-35 shows examples of the manifestation of God).
FaithThe Anointing
– You know the word
– You believe the word
– You apply it specifically
– Rises to an energy level where those challenges cannot survive. And the challenges on their own wear out.
– When the anointing is at work, you don’t need to address an issue specifically. E.g. the woman who touched Jesus’ garment and was healed.
  • How do you stir up the anointing?
    • 1. By prayer (James 5:16)
    • 2. By confessing the Word of God (Luke 4:18, Acts 10:38)
    • 3. Response (Matthew 14:28, Hebrews 11:6)
    • 4. Heartfelt worship
  • Other Notes
    • Strive towards stirring up the anointing.
    • If you want to grow in the anointing, never call a small signal small.
    • The anointing will reach you at the level of your faith.
    • In the anointing, you don’t have to address the challenge, everything inconsistent with the presence of God bows to the presence of God.
    • The anointing is a colonizer, it enters every environment and it conditions the environment to be consistent with the will of God, and everything inconsistent will die.
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