When God sees me, he sees Jesus  I am Imago Dei, I reveal God to my world When people see me, they see the example of Jesus I’m the light of the world, not the light of the church!  Think global impact! If I were the only one on earth, Jesus would have died for me. The hairs on my head are numbered! Read a chapter in the Bible today I have a sit at His table I am royalty! Fear God ♥ Let people see me and see Jesus. Release your prayer language for 60 secs! Smile :) Share your faith today!  The word of God is a continuous revelation The more I open it, the more I see a new dimension When you're called, you're furnished! Expand! Don't hold back It takes grace and discipline to be prayerful Grace from God, discipline from me  I am a manifestation of the word of God If I hug/shake/speak to anyone, I release the word of God My Credentials: Mat. 28:18 & Luke 10:19 When men look at me, they can see a scripture I’m a living epistle! I will at ALL TIMES manifest God to people I have victory over death Leviticus 6:12 I am the physical reflection of the attributes of God

The Holy Spirit (Additional Resources)

This article has links to external resources. While we’re familiar with the teachers and platforms referenced below, we highly encourage you to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you!

Hiya ❤️

If you haven’t watched our video post on “Who is the Holy Spirit”, please check it out here.

The goal of this article is to provide more resources on the Holy Spirit. First off, we have a free course called “The Believers Journey” and in it an intensive teaching on the Holy Spirit. To go through that teaching, please click here. Below are additional external resources:


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